Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice!

I know that one day I am seriously going to regret that I ever said this, or even thought this for that matter. Now, for those of you who may feel differently, I am sorry, but it's with great pride that I give a shout out to all the "girls" in this family. Everyone knows that I truly love and adore Carter, our first born. But, after spending an afternoon, SOLO with all 4 kids at the pool, I just have to mention how much easier girls are at this age (that being 14 months and 3 and 1/2) than boys. These girls are the most agreeable, level-headed, easy-going children compared to their brother. That is not to say that Carter isn't totally sweet and kind (he has ALWAYS been a sweetheart to his baby sisters), but when push comes to shove, and I need to get things done, the girls win hands down. They follow directions, they don't argue, and they can go from one activity to the next seamlessly. Carter on the other hand, has a few issues with transitions, and is sometimes so stubborn, I can't take it! The girls would gladly give Carter something that they have and he wants just to get him to stop whining!!!!

Again, I KNOW I will regret this later when they are teenagers, but for today, WAY TO GO GIRLS!!!!!!!


Kristen said...

When I am just with my daughter, she talks more and isn't competing for toys that her brothers are stealing, she sings and dances and is just plain sweet. My oldest was at toys r us the other day and said "This toy would totally scare my sister" they are just so different.

Mar said...

Hi! Surfed over from SITS. I have two daughters actually close in age to your two, almost 3 and 18months so I can relate to the awesomeness that is little girls! Great site, i'll be back :)

Aunt Julie said...

Hi! I'm new to the Blogosphere, and I found your site thru another link. Interesting stuff here! I'm running a giveaway, and I'd love it if you'd stop by. Drop in any time! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, found you SITS :)
Cute place - I love the Kids Say part of your blog...they crack me up :)

Nicole said...

You are daring. I'm too big of a wimp to take my three kids to the pool solo. I am starting to think, girls are definitely easier. My 4 yr old boy, such a sweet heart, but oh so emotional.

Jen said...

I so agree with you. Our boys are something else and give me a run for my money. And then there is Claire, lovely little girl Claire. She is so sweet and quiet, nicely playing by herself, content and calm. But I know that she is saving it all up for those teenage years. I can just see it in her eyes. I am thankful that I will only have one girl teenager.