I'm addicted!!!!

So, I've found the BEST site, a blog about blogging! What could be better? In addition to being "hooked up" with some fantastic blogs, this site also gives away some of the BEST prizes!!!!!!

This weekend, they are giving away this "boucey house"! And as you know, this would be a HUGE hit in this house, not to mention the extremely tired children it would produce!

So, check it out, you'll be addicted in no time!!!


Tiffany said...

YEAH! Great post! You are officially entered!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a SITS sistah and when I saw your blog listed on the "Saucy Blogs" list (congrats, BTW - who do I have to pay to get on that list?) I thought "4 under 4" - this woman is my new hero! I have 3 under 4 and it has nearly made me INSANE! I think there should be a special club for anyone who's got 3 or more under school age because survival of being that sorely outnumbered deserves some sort of medal.

Anyways, just wanted to say hang in there, girl - these are the days. If you need to feel some camraderie, come visit me at:
