Lunch, birthday parties, and other "stuff!"

We have finally figured it out! To avoid the horrid winter, we must PLAN things! Last week it was Disney on Ice, and then a birthday party, this weekend it was lunch with friends at Bar Louie, yet another birthday party, and a Super Bowl party with more friends. Now, I am a FIRM believer in not "over scheduling," but there is a fine line between that, and being so bored we are all ready to cry. So, since no one has really been sick this winter (knock on wood PLEASE) we've been able to do some little things to keep ourselves busy. The "over scheduling" just leads to tired, very cranky, kids who just want to "chill" in their own house. Especially since they go to school 5 days a week. They just need down time in their own house. But alas, that also leads to "cabin fever" especially since we can't go outside!

So, we are trying to do our best to avoid the pitfalls of doing too much and the boredom of doing too little! Fine line.

We will see! We have a weekend trip to an indoor water park in 2 weeks, so that should really be fun, and of course a much needed trip to South Carolina in March, we are doing are best to find at least SOMETHING to do one day during the weekends until it warms up (which you know doesn't happen until April!!!!) Wish us luck!!! :)

1 comment:

cat said...

Good luck! Why don't you come over for a visit in toasty SA?