My week has been redeemed!

We had a successful trip to the dentist. Just me and the 4 kiddos!!! Everyone cooperated, no one cried, and there were NO cavities!!! Annabelle has a small chip in one of her front teeth that he is going to cap, just so it won't decay, but other than that, nothing out of the ordinary!! I think Cooper was slightly mad that she wasn't "invited" to go back into the exam room with the big kids, and that she had to wait in the waiting room with me!

Tomorrow is the big "cast" day when Carter gets his new permanent cast. Here's to hoping that it goes just as smoothly as today went!!!

We will see, you NEVER know with these guys!

1 comment:

KatBouska said...

I bow to you and your successful trip to the dentist. There had to be some serious bribery going on right there...

Way to go mom!!