So, I've noticed that on our most recent vacation that perfect strangers have a lot of questions. So, I thought I'd share some of them. To all you MOMs out there (Moms of Multiples) you know what I am going to say first, "Are they twins????" Yes, they are, and one might even be able to assume this by the fact that they are clearly dressed the same, and are exactly the same height. I don't mind this question, because it's inevitable, but the one that kills me is when they ask the dummy twin questions. "So, how do you tell them apart?", I try not to be smart because while they do look like siblings, they are in no way even close to identical. "Do twins run in your family? What about your husbands?" Twins 101 would tell you that it doesn't matter if there are identical OR fraternal twins in my husband's family. Because basically identical twins are a fluke, when the egg divides into two, and fraternal twins are from over ovulating (which can be hereditary, obviously only on the mother's side.)
What kills me though is this question, asked more often than any twin or any other question, "So are you done?" Now really how many people out there with 2 kids get asked this question this often. And really, what business is it of a perfect strangers whether or not we are going to expand our family at a later date. They might as well ask if we use birth control.
Don't get me wrong, most people are so nice when they see our brood enter a room, or a beach, or a park. And I know, it's not that rare to have 4 kids under 4, but I do think people are curious to the how and the why. In fact, I overheard one woman as we were leaving a restaurant say, "Wow, she had those babies BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM." I wanted to yell back, "Actually ma'am that would be BAM, BAM, BAM!"
I can totally relate. My most common comment is "Wow you sure have your hands full!" Yes I do, is my response. And I keep moving.
I just hate that" Are they twins?" one. Are you blind or what? I so relate to this.
OHMYGOODNESS! I just laughed outloud to your 'BAM, BAM, BAM' that is so funny and so something I would have thought and possibly said! :) Your crew is adorable!
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