The stomach flu, UGH!

Yes, for the THIRD year in a row, we fell victim to a nasty stomach bug.  It started with Annabelle feeling slightly under the weather, and vomiting once.  It didn't seem like that big of a deal, and she missed a day at school. Well, that afternoon when Carter and Olivia were home, chaos ensued!  It started with Carter, and by the evening and into the wee hours of the morning, Cooper and Olivia had it!!  Needless to say, we were up ALL night, and there was laundry, carpeting cleaning, and vomit "bowls" involved, not pretty.

They all rebounded quickly, and were fine by late Friday.  So, we thought we had endure the worst, until Saturday night, when I got it!!!  No wonder they were so crabby!!!  It was horrible, especially, while pregnant!  I have successfully gotten it every year that the kids have gotten it. But, I was fine by Monday, and very relieved that this all took place before our trip to South Carolina!!! :)


cat said...

Ugh really, a stomach bug us the worst. Glad that you are all feeling a bit better. Keep up the electrolites.

Kristen said...

I had one throw up once yesterday and one throw up twice today-that it is so far. I hope there is no more...