Happy Birthday Carter!!!

I just wanted to wish our first born, little "baby" a very Happy 5th Birthday!!!!!!

Boy, time sure does fly, between the time we brought that little (hardly tiny at 8 pounds 4 ounces) bundle of joy home.  I'd like to say he was a great baby, but, he wasn't, but it didn't matter.  He was FAR cuter than I ever imagined.  And now, I am the proud mother of a very BIG, blonde, well-mannered, boy.  He loves life, his sisters, and is very sweet.  Of course, not perfect, but if his biggest flaw is that he's TOO emotional, I'll take that all day long!!

Happy Birthday Carter!! :)


Annie said...

Happy Birthday Carter!!! God bless you.

cat said...

Happy birthday to a very big boy!