We tried to enjoy one of the last nice days of the fall by doing things outside yesterday. First, we headed to Chesterton to the European Market to look at the local goods. It was fun, the kids really enjoyed the fact that it was right on the train tracks and several trains passed while we were there. Then, we headed to The Port drive-in for lunch. I didn't think it was such a hot idea to let them eat in the car so we grabbed a picnic table and had a nice lunch outside.
Then, we headed to the park where we ran off our lunch, literally. The kids were running from one tree to another "racing" each other. Which we of course love because we are thinking about bedtime, even at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
Then we came home and had a cookout! We cooked hot dogs on "sticks" in the outdoor fireplace and then ate outside. Then for dessert we made smores made outside, but had to eat indoors because the bugs are TERRIBLE! You can literally be eaten alive in a matter of mintues! Poor Olivia has a huge bite smack in the middle of her nose!!! Which of course, swelled and made her eye puffy!!!
It was a great day!!!!