Potties, Popcorn Fest, Papa, and more!

Well, it's been quite a bit of time since my last post! Things have been busy as always around here! School is in full swing! Kindergarten is going pretty well for Carter, things are a TON harder than last year, and he is adjusting. The twins love school as always, and are having a blast. Cooper is enjoying being one of the older kids in the toddler class, and has been learning a ton. She still is sooooo chatty and keeps us all laughing, she really is a funny little 2 year old!

Speaking of Cooper, she is POTTY TRAINED! It's been a whirlwind month, but she's managed to do it! She still has an accident on occasion, but does really well at school and hasn't worn a diaper in about 3 weeks!!!

Papa came to visit for Popcorn Fest as he does every year! We did the parade with the kids and hung out with Papa for the weekend. The kids are officially on the birthday party circuit and seem to have at least 1 every weekend!

Jason and I managed to slip away for the weekend last week, it was great spending some time alone in Chicago. We took in some great restaurants, shopped, had some spa treatments, stayed in our favorite hotel, and enjoyed some overall R & R!

Little Miss Finley is simply the SWEETEST baby on the planet! She is sleeping from 7 to 7 on most nights and rarely cries. She eats, sleeps, coos and smiles at all of us. She LOVES being entertained by the "gang" and watches their every move!


cat said...

You have had a jam-packed time. Gosh, that was a quick potty training stint. I wish we could get away for a weekend - it would be great.

Annie said...

Glad to hear from you again. OMG, Finley looks so big. How time flies?

Have a nice weekend.