Carter's FINAL birthday party...

The final chapter of Carter's birthday party took place yesterday at the Jump Zone! What a great time we had! Carter invited some of his friends from school, and then we had our close family friends join in the fun. The kids jumped until they couldn't jump anymore! Needless to say, the kids were all beat by the time the cake was served, which was perfect!

Carter had an AWESOME time, and so did the girls, including Cooper, who is a HUGE daredevil! She was sliding on all the slides the big kids were doing, with absolutely no fear! Jason spent much of the party chasing her around, she was NUTS!!! We all had some cake, opened some presents, and then happily closed the book, on the last chapter of Carter's birthday, WHEW!!!

Now on to Cooper's birthday! The first quarter is jam packed with birthdays for the Evans! Thankfully this last one will be born in June, at least we will have a 2 month break from all the birthday craziness!

1 comment:

cat said...

Great fun! Love that throne.