Take it like a man....or a baby!

So today Carter woke up with a horrible cough and a fever. He now joins Cooper in the "Montessori Funk" as we like to call it. So, Cooper already had an appointment for her 6 month check-up, so naturally Carter came along for a look-see. Needless to say, Cooper had a double ear infection (not that you would really know it) and Carter was well on his way. The funny part was that Carter, who is NOTORIOUS for throwing a fit when having to take medicine, took one look at how his baby sister took it without crying and slammed it down like a shot of tequila! I think he figured, if that little baby can do it without crying, why should I cry?

Additionally, Cooper is weighing in at 17 pounds 10 ounces and 26 3/4 inches, all in the 75 to 90th percentile.

Carter, weighed in at 48 POUNDS!!!!!! I am not sure how someone with very little fat on them can weigh that much, it's amazing. He weighs more than most 1st graders!!!!

1 comment:

Donna Mathes said...

I don't think I weighed 48 pounds until the 3rd grade...can't wait to see you all!

Uncle Rob