O.k., for several months now I have maintained that there are some true similarities between our dear adorable little boy and a yellow lab or golden retriever. First, Carter, just a like a lab or golden, won't settle down until he's about 5. He still has the "puppy" attitude about him and can even be found running in circles some days (aka chasing his tail). Also, I've learned that Carter's hair is almost the exact same color and texture as these animals, and in fact, upon entering a pool, the water almost looks like it's rolling off his head. He's also most recently found to be loving the water, and just like a dog, shows some resistance when told it's time to get out.
Carter most recently found his look alike twin in the world, a golden puppy named Buddy. And, as you can see in the pictures, they do have some similar features.
The good news, it that EVERYONE loves a puppy, and this stands true for Carter. You can't help but want to snuggle and hug on him, because of all these qualities, and he's about as happy go lucky as they come (well, unless you are trying to get him out of the pool, or leave a playground).
So, I think it's quite a cute comparison, and in no way is putting my dear son in the same category as a dog a bad thing!!!! How could anyone resist a face like these???

1 comment:
So you think that there hope, that maybe when my 3 year old son is 5, he will settle down. Maybe!?!
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