This weekend, they are giving away this "boucey house"! And as you know, this would be a HUGE hit in this house, not to mention the extremely tired children it would produce!

So, check it out, you'll be addicted in no time!!!
We are a large, vibrant, happy, crazy family of seven! With 5 kids under 9, you never know what is going to happen next!
YEAH! Great post! You are officially entered!
Hi! I'm a SITS sistah and when I saw your blog listed on the "Saucy Blogs" list (congrats, BTW - who do I have to pay to get on that list?) I thought "4 under 4" - this woman is my new hero! I have 3 under 4 and it has nearly made me INSANE! I think there should be a special club for anyone who's got 3 or more under school age because survival of being that sorely outnumbered deserves some sort of medal.
Anyways, just wanted to say hang in there, girl - these are the days. If you need to feel some camraderie, come visit me at:
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