So, the movie definitely, maybe came out on DVD on Tuesday, so of course, off to Target I went to secure my copy. The big deal you ask? Well, I have a new fondness for Ryan Reynolds!!!! If you don't know, he is Van Wilder, or the guy from the TV show "Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place." Anyhow, this movie was so sweet and funny. I highly recommend it!
Oh yeah, there's another movie with Ryan Reynolds called "Waiting", it's a parody on working at a Bennigans type restaurant. Perhaps this is where my "fondness" began, he takes his shirt off in the movie, and WHEW, not too shabby!!!
Hi there SITsta! Just cruising through the updated saucy blog list! Love your blog, and your kids are beautiful!
Funny, sarcastic Ryan Reynolds in "Just Friends" and "The In-Laws".
Funny, sarcastic AND action hero Ryan Reynold killing vampires in "Blade 3".
You can have a video-fest.
To funny, I just saw another blogger talk about this movie. I guess I need to go and rent it!
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