It's time for the kids...

TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!! I know it's only preschool, but GOSH do they seem bored. So bored in fact that they are walking around asking me for things every 3 minutes, and, I'm not even sure they realize they are doing it!! "Mommy, I am hungry, Mommy, I am thirsty, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!!!"

Is it September yet??????


Trooper Thorn said...

Every summer is the same. They can't wait for school to end, spend 6 weeks complaining that they are bored then dread going back to school because they won't be able to have anymore fun.


When were you having all this fun? All you did was bitch.


trash said...

We have three weeks left of Summer holidays here and I am clinging to it hoping the rain will finally vanish. Hang in there, it will get easier as they get bigger and don't need so much attention so often.

Thanks for coming to visit me today up on the hill at Trash Towers. It was nice to meet you:-)

Amy said...

Hello! Just wanted to stop in and say thanks for stopping by my blog today via SITS.
My kids started 2 weeks ago and everyone is much happier! Love that they are occupied and having fun too.
Have a great weekend!

Maternal Mirth said...

School usually means more projects for me ... I can certainly live without those, so I just keep reminding myself of that little bit of school-fun while I contimplate throwing my kids in the basement and locking the door to muffle their complaints.