The twins had an opportunity to take me to an open house at the Montessori! They LOVED showing me all their favorite "works" and showing me their classroom! They are SO much more capable than I give them credit for! Had I known that they were practicing using a dust pan and broom, I would have put them to work a long time ago!
Then last night, we went back (AGAIN) for Carter's preschool open house. He told me we were going to do 100 "works" before we left. Mommy did NOT have the stamina for that kind of evening. Anyway, we saw some of his friends, his class, and watched him do his classroom favorites, he was SO proud.
Carter also told me that he was "thinking" about 5 things, "Money, go carts (which is a golf cart), and South Carolina." (I think he counts the words South and Carolina as 3 things!) He said he wants to go to Emme & Papa's beach house, soon, for a visit! I told him Mommy likes all those things and our summer vacation could not happen soon enough, bring on July!!!!
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